At St Justin's, we aim to cater for all students’ strengths and interests, and bring out the best in each individual. This is done in many areas and with a variety of learning experiences.
We are committed to providing a quality education which caters for students with a diverse range of learning needs. These needs include, but are not limited to, students with disability, students for whom English is an additional language or dialect, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and gifted students.
The Diverse Learning Team is a group of enthusiastic and experienced educators who are available to support classroom teachers in catering for the diverse range of learning needs in their classroom.
Personalised plans are written by classroom teachers in consultation with the Diverse Learning Team and parents or carers for students with diagnosed or imputed disability. These plans aim to ensure that all students can engage in school life and learning on the same basis as their peers.
Scheduled meetings occur between the school and parents twice a year depending on the circumstance to ensure that personalised plans and goals are up to date.
Our Enrichment Teacher offers support to classroom teachers who have identified gifted students within their classroom. Gifted students are assessed to determine their strengths and areas for further development. A Learner Profile is created for these students to aid with the provision of enrichment opportunities within the classroom.
In some cases, gifted students may be withdrawn from the classroom to work with a small group of likeminded students under teacher supervision. The SPLICED program is an enrichment opportunity offered by the Catholic Education Office each year.
At St Justin’s, we have chosen to employ Allied Health Partnerships to support our staff and students. Allied Health provides Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists to work in our classrooms on a part time basis.
Occupational Therapists work with children to develop their hand function - including fine motor skills, handwriting and muscle work. As well as coordination and attention which includes sensory processing, motor planning and gross motor skills. The OT’S main role will be to work with our teachers in the whole classroom to support the fine motor, sensory and writing skills of children. Students identified as having higher needs, may be targeted and offered small group support.
Speech Pathologists work with children to develop their language, communication, listening and understanding skills as well as their writing content. The Speech Pathologist’s main role will be to work with our teachers and School Support Officers within the classroom. Some students may be identified as having higher needs and will be offered small group support if places are available.
At St Justin’s, we offer an alternative education setting for students who require intensive specialised interventions in an Autism Support Class or Intellectual Support Class.
The specialist setting, known as Mackillop, is viewed as an intervention for each student for a particular point in time in their learning. The goal for each student who accesses this unit is to return to the regular general setting of the school. This is determined by individual needs, and in consultation with parents and carers.
For a student to be offered a placement in Mackillop, an appropriate validated diagnosis will be required. Placement in this setting is completed in conjunction with the school’s enrolment process and School Improvement Specialist Support of Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong.
For more information, view our CEDoW Diverse Learning Needs Policy